Loan programs available

包括在几乎所有的经济援助计划中, 贷款允许学生上大学,而付款和利息通常推迟到毕业或退学后. 通过申请经济援助和证明需要, 学生可以申请以下一项或多项贷款. If a separate application is required, 澳门线上博彩官网将联系符合条件的学生并鼓励他们申请.


FEDERAL DIRECT STUDENT LOAN PROGRAM. 这个项目允许学生直接从美国图书馆借书.S. 政府.  在学生至少休学半年后,方可开始偿还本金.

联邦直接贷款有两种:有补贴和无补贴. 美国.S. 政府在学生上学期间支付补贴贷款的利息.  On an unsubsidized loan, 学生对利息负责,既可以支付利息,也可以将其加到本金中.  获得利息补贴的资格是根据联邦政府的标准需求分析来确定的.

Category of Borrower Annual Subsidized Limits Combined Sub/Unsub Annual Limits Total Aggregate Limit
大一新生 $3,500 $5,500 $31,000*
二年级学生 4,500 6,500 31,000*
Junior or Senior 5,500 7,500 31,000*
研究生 - 20,500 138,500**

* Dependent 本科


In addition to the limits printed above, 独立本科学生可以申请额外的联邦直接无补贴贷款. The borrowing limit is $4,000 per year for freshmen and sophomores; $5,000 per year for juniors and seniors. 本科, 独立学生学生的总限额为31美元,000; independent undergraduate students have a total limit of $57,500.

联邦直接贷款的利率由联邦政府决定,每年都在变化. View the current rates.




Campus-based Loans

INSTITUTIONAL LOANS. (最高5美元,000 per year; renewable) These loans are provided through the generous gifts of friends of the University.  有资格获得护理学生贷款的学生没有资格获得这些贷款. 还款开始于借款人停止注册至少半年后的六至九个月. 还款期限可延长至10年,利率为5%. 

Wade Barnes Education Loan
George Bowers Loan*
Ruth Burgeson English Loan
Roy Carpenter Loan
Harold Chastain Theology Loan
Class of 1924 Loan
Class of 1958 Loan
Class of 1961 Loan
Class of 1976 Loan
Engineering Loan
Andrew and Evelyn Fisher Loan
Elvin Gaines Loan
Clifford Graves Loan*
Bertha Gray Loan
William Grettner Loan
Idaho Laymen's Worthy Student Loan
International Student Loan
Mary Koorenny Business Loan*
J.G. Mehling Business Loan*
Orpha Osborne Loan for Seniors
John Potts Loan
Eng Saw Chinese/Asian Loan
Bertha Schneider Theology Loan*
Sloop Family Loan
Hyretha Smith Loan (various majors)*
Starr-Larrabee Memorial Loan
Walla Walla University Loan
Walla Walla Women's Loan
约翰·E. Weaver Education Loan*
Carrie Welch Loan
罗伯特·G. Wirth贷款
Women in Ministry Loan
Worthy Student Loan


NURSING STUDENT LOAN. (最高8美元,237 per year; renewable) The federal 政府ernment and Walla Walla University make this loan available to students admitted into the nursing program. 学生 may borrow up to $5,236 per year ($8,237 per year their last two years), but no more than a total of $25,在他们的整个本科学习期间.

在借款人不再是至少半日制护理学生九个月后,开始偿还护理学生贷款. 还款期限可延长至10年,利率为5%. 如果学生报名参加护理研究生学习,还款可以延期.

Additional Loans Options

学生不会自动考虑以下贷款. 申请和更多信息可从澳门线上博彩官网平台获得 Student Loan Website 或联系学生金融服务的学生贷款办公室.

LOANS TO PARENTS (FEDERAL PLUS). 该计划允许受抚养本科生的父母直接从美国联邦政府贷款.S. 政府. 家长可以借一笔等于上学总费用减去其他经济援助的金额.

还款可在贷款资金全部发放后60天内开始.  利率每年都在变化,需要支付手续费. View the current rates and fees. 向信用局报告的负面信息可能会取消借款人使用该贷款的资格.

GRADUATE DIRECT PLUS LOANS. 这项贷款计划允许研究生贷款高达其教育总费用的100%, 减去他们获得的其他经济援助.  总金额可以支付学费、书本费、食宿费、交通费等等. 尽管学生在校期间贷款会产生利息, 在学生至少学习了一半的时间后,学费可以延期支付(可根据要求提前支付). 直接PLUS贷款的利率由联邦政府决定,每年都在变化. 贷款发放费在发放给沃拉沃拉大学之前从贷款金额中扣除. View the current rates and fees. 向信用局报告的负面信息可能会取消借款人使用该贷款的资格.

私人贷款. 一些私人贷款机构向学生提供贷款,帮助他们完成学业. 每个贷款人都为贷款设定了自己的条款.  贷款人可能要求借款人在贷款批准前有一个共同签署人.

Sample Loan Payment Schedule
贷款: 帕金斯/
Federal Direct
Federal Direct 
Interest Rate: 5% 5.5% 7.05% 8.05%
$1,000 $40 $50 $50 $50
2,000 40 50 50 50
3,000 40 50 50 50
4,000 45 50 50 50
5,000 55 55 60 60
6,000 65 65 70 75
7,000 75 75 80 85
8,000 85 85 95 100
9,000 100 100 105 110
10,000 110 110 115 120
15,000 160 160 175 180